Instructions Bike Grab
- Position with the ramp toward you and hold the wheel plates.
- With the ‘LEAD IN’ edge of the plate nearest to you and facing outwards locate them on the ramp plate.
- Assemble using the four M8 COACH BOLTS fitting them up through the ramp slots and square holes in the wheel plates, now locate the M8 WASHERS AND M8 LOCKING NUTS.
- Determine the width of your tyre and set the inner edge of the wheel plates to the corresponding position on the measuring scale. NOTE: Tyre sizes can vary according to make so ensure the plates are always adjusted for close contact with the tyre.
- Lock the four M8 BOLTS securely with a 13mm WRENCH ”the stand is now ready for use”
- Position directly in-line with the appropriate wheel and roll the bike home.
- For cruisers with front tyres larger than 140mm the wheel plates will need to be reversed a lead is provided at both ends for this purpose. (Normal position shown in diagram)
Always take time and practice a little to become proficient in use, as rolling the bike up onto the plates instead of between them can cause a sudden shift in weight and en-balance the bike!
when using on slippery surfaces ANTI SLIP PADS are provided to arrest movement in more severe cases a rubber foot mat can be placed under the stand.
When used for transportation, either bolted down on a trailer or in a van be sure to securely fasten the bike down with tie straps Note: there is no need to compress the front suspension with this stand
Always check the suitability of use for your application and stability as differing surfaces can sometimes cause stability problems.
Your bike has never been this safe before, Wise choice!
Used by STENA-LINE Shipping Gothenburg !!