CALL DONALD 905-941-0641
9am-5pm Eastern | 1213 Green Acres Dr. Fort Erie Ontario, Canada

Original Red


EazyRizer Original Red motorcycle lift is the perfect solution for working on Sports and Road style bikes including the older Classic machines having a lifting capacity of 350kg by the chassis and 250kg by the wheels and with a range of mounts available to suit your style of bike you will be able to perform a Total Strip-down of any bike in Safety and comfort as you will have 360deg of access to the bike plus you can stop the lift at any height to suit your requirements.

Operated by Power drill or Cordless the bike will be up at waist height in seconds ready for the task at hand!

The main mounts employed with the Red lift are as follows and limited to those in the drop down menu below : Beam Mounts, Standard Foot-peg, Heavy duty foot-peg, Multi mounts, V twin and Wheel mount sets. All these have provisions to “Lock the bike Securely” to the lift so to avoid accidental damage, there really is Nothing that comes close and offers the user this level of Safety and Security!

For more please visit our Youtube channel and Gallery.


Original Red gives you the freedom to do things on your bike that others can only dream of, Front and Rear Wheels off at the same time along with front Forks and rear Swing Arm suspension gear and mono shock. It really does not matter what bike you ride be it a 1920s Scott or the latest and fastest race bike, we have the setup for you!

The Red Eazyrizer Lift (as with the Big Blue) has also been tested to 2000kg (2 ton) and boasts the exact same Failsafe High Tensile Screw-shaft thats capable of handling the heaviest motorcycle ever built so you can rest assured that it will Never Let You Down!

The most popular mounts used with the Red lift is the Standard Foot-peg mount set and these accommodate pegs up to 36mm wide anything over this and you will need to order the Heavy Duty set, it may be worth noting that assistance is needed to hold the bike vertical and for this we recommend using our BikeGrab wheel chock stand.

Our Beam mount set is also very popular with this lift to take the smaller cruisers and classic motor bikes.

Unlike the Motorcycle workbench/hydraulic table lift there are no cheap foreign hydraulics to let you down so you and your bike are completely safe and secure with the knowledge that the Failsafe design can Never let you down, plus, you can simply hang Eazyrizer up on the workshop wall out of the way when not in use, Try doing that with a workbench?

If you are concerned about theft? Then simply raise the lift/bike to its max and lock in the raised position with a padlock (see pic above) This is the Ultimate deterrent!

EazyRizer is British Made and it comes to you with a Lifetime Guarantee!!

× H D Foot Peg Mt set


Subtotal : $185.00

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